Finally, I copied my posts from the Samsung Software Membership blog. Those are not translated yet. I hope I can finish the translation someday. 😢😢😢
- Digital Signatures and Nonce Reuse
- Shellcoding and Bitflip Conjecture
- Smooth numbers and Factorization
- On Factoring Given Any Bits
- Forgery Attack on ElGamal Signatures
- How to build WebAssembly apps with Rust
- AntiVirus Oracle
- Singular Elliptic Curves
- Anomalous Elliptic Curves
- SMT Solvers in CTF - z3 vs Boolector
- RSA Puzzles
- Understanding CRC
- 포카전/카포전 2020 해킹 문제 출제
- SVP and CVP
- Sudoku and Nonogram with z3
- $r$th Root Extraction
- Gröbner basis
- Solving Univariate Polynomials over a Finite Field
- Breaking Python random module
- Differential Cryptanalysis on 4-round DES
- Breaking Combined Multiple Recursive Generators
- Attacking a Variant of the RSA Cryptosystem