I made a cipher-signature system by myself.

nc 3001

How to Solve

In the challenge, you can (1) encrypt and sign, (2) verify encrypted message, and (3) get public key. The public key of the server is always fixed.

If you see the verify function of server.py, you can find out that it will let you know the hash of the decrypted message.

        if h == H:
            sock.send(b"Signature OK!\n")
            sock.send(s2b("Invalid Signature: {:08x} != {:08x}\n".format(h, H)))

Next, let’s see the _hash function of diysig.py.

    def _hash(self, m):
        """ DIY Hash Function """
        H = 0xcafebabe
        M = m
        # Stage 1
        while M > 0:
            H = (((H << 5) + H) + (M & 0xFFFFFFFF)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
            M >>= 32
        # Stage 2
        M = H
        while M > 0:
            H = ((M & 0xFF) + (H << 6) + (H << 16) - H) & 0xFFFFFFFF
            M >>= 8
        # Stage 3
        H = H | 1 if m & 1 else H & 0xfffffffe
        return H

As you can see, Stage 3 leaks LSB of the message. This means you can apply the RSA LSB oracle attack in this challenge.

The solver is here.

from pwn import *
from Crypto.Util.number import inverse

# From the server
enc = 0x3cfa0e6ea76e899f86f9a8b50fd6e76731ca5528d59f074491ef7a6271513b2f202f4777f48a349944746e97b9e8a4521a52c86ef20e9ea354c0261ed7d73fc4ce5002c45e7b0481bb8cbe6ce1f9ef8228351dd7daa13ccc1e3febd11e8df1a99303fd2a2f789772f64cbdb847d6544393e53eee20f3076d6cdb484094ceb5c1
n = 0x6d70b5a586fcc4135f0c590e470c8d6758ce47ce88263ff4d4cf49163457c71e944e9da2b20c2ccb0936360f12c07df7e7e80cd1f38f2c449aad8adaa5c6e3d51f15878f456ceee4f61547302960d9d6a5bdfad136ed0eb7691358d36ae93aeb300c260e512faefe5cc0f41c546b959082b4714f05339621b225608da849c30f
e = 0x10001

div = pow(inverse(2, n), e, n)

flag = ''
m, sur = 0, 0
for i in range(1024):
    r = remote('', 3001)
    r.recvuntil('> ')
    r.recvuntil('ENC : ')
    r.recvuntil('SIG : ')
    r.recvuntil('!= ')
    sig = r.recv(8)

    sig = int(sig, 16) % 2
    if sig % 2 == 0:
        m |= (sur % 2) << (i % 8)
        sur = (sur + (sur % 2)) // 2
        m |= (1 - sur % 2) << (i % 8)
        sur = (sur + (1 - sur % 2) + n) // 2
    enc = enc * div % n

    if i % 8 == 7:
        if m == 0:
        flag += chr(m)
        m = 0


The flag is zer0pts{n3v3r_r3v34l_7h3_LSB}.