Posts from the Samsung Software Membership blog

Finally, I copied my posts from the Samsung Software Membership blog. Those are not translated yet. I hope I can finish the translation someday. 😢😢😢 Digital Signatures and Nonce Reuse Shellcoding and Bitflip Conjecture Smooth numbers and Factorization On Factoring Given Any Bits Forgery Attack on ElGamal Signatures How to build WebAssembly apps with Rust AntiVirus Oracle Singular Elliptic Curves Anomalous Elliptic Curves SMT Solvers in CTF -...

2022-04-26 · 1 min · RBTree

포카전/카포전 2020 해킹 문제 출제

서론 올해 정식 명칭은 포카전이기 때문에, 중립성을 위해 포카전/카포전으로 쓰겠습니다. 근 몇 년 간 포카전/카포전 해킹을 LeaveCat이라는 팀에서 출제하...

2020-09-20 · 11 min · RBTree

[PlaidCTF 2019] The .Wat ness

The .Wat ness is open for testing! When it came out in 2016, the Witness impressed with its ability to gradually teach new players the rules of the game by simply having them play it. With the .Wat ness, we take this just a small step further. How to solve First of all, this write-up has a lot of guesses. Also, teammate imnotkind helped in downloading resources and reversing typescript files!...

2019-04-22 · 5 min · RBTree

[PlaidCTF 2019] Plaid Party Planning III

Plaid Party Planning III 1 Other teammates solved this one. You can get a flag easily by just jumping into the flag printing routine. Just use GDB to change RIP, or patch the binary to jump into the routine. The flag is PCTF{1 l1v3 1n th3 1nt3rs3ct1on of CSP and s3cur1ty and parti3s!}. Plaid Party Planning III 2 Basically, behaviors of binaries (III 1, III 2) are same. The problem is here:...

2019-04-22 · 9 min · RBTree